
Breathing over a grave…

B612-2015-10-24-06-48-31.jpgIt was just an ordinary day, like most of the days are for most of the people. I thought i would just sit there, weep for a while, mourn the loss, tell him that he could have taken my life instead. but strangely, nothing of the sort happened…. absolutely nothing. So, basically all that i had in my hands slipped away as i got there… Sitting there, i felt, i will just be honest and say… light…

I remember people talking about graveyards as one scary place so i always had this thought in my mind that it takes away everything … i was there, right in the middle, just about ready to curse the soil about what it took away from me. but i just would not do it. i could feel the nature contracting and i could feel myself inhaling every bit of it…

Just right there He talked to me, made me feel how he wished about things i wish for. how He wonders about love, about peace and longs for it…. little He said but i understood… i dont know when and how i was convinced…. convinced about every thing He did. i was shattered yet one, i had teary eyes but all i could see was Him that too, very clearly. i sat there not as a ritual (created by myself) but i wanted to feel everything that i had never felt before. i dont know what misconceptions are and will be, but there is no particular place to gain the gain of your life. i gained mine just by looking at the sky.


